The anger that rages within the walls wants to spill and splash out in every direction that exists. It is so great that it can cause a person to be sick. It slowly eats away at a soul, taking its toll on the body and health. The inner torment felt cannot be explained, only pitied. While misunderstanding occurs as it is difficult to truly grasp or understand the inner workings, the only thing that can be seen is the scarring effect upon the person.
But, behind the “R” word is even more. Behind the rage is an answer, it is history, and clarity, something that few people are ever able to understand. Judgment and shame is felt by the one who rages on with the majority of the sentencing and condemnation coming from the evil one.
It is dizzying, sickening, and difficult to contain. But, it rages on nonetheless, with no mercy on he who receives the beating.
But, once again this sickness, this wave of rage is and provides insight. It gives the observant one a sneak peek into a bit of the deep; it provides understanding without actual words. If approached carefully, it opens careful eyes to a whole new world, a world of compassion and sensitivity. But, this only comes from a willingness to learn, to to listen, to sit, to be. Without a careful approach, consequences may ensue.
On the outside, Mr. Rage is always ready to attack and unleash its fury on those around. It would love nothing more than to destroy all that is in sight, yet to the careful eyes it is a cover up, a façade to the underlying deep and dark. With grace and love given best by the "One", an interest is taken to sit in the weeds and to go deep to uncover what is hidden. Few are able to handle the depth and heavy debris, but to those who are able there is much to learn and see.
May God have mercy and grace on Mr. R as he rages on, unstoppable and unpredictable; calmed only by the careful eyes and gentle hands of those willing to near.
Grace and mercy be to you Mr. R, grace and mercy. You need it, I need it, we all need it.